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Techniques Used By Hackers to Steal Your Data

Steal Your Data

TechsPlace | Raising a GenZer is no easy feat. The present digital generation demands parents to embrace and adopt digitalization as well. And that includes parenting techniques. The internet has many threats, and every parent wants to keep their child safe. But restricting or confiscating technology is going to do more harm than good.

After all, you were the one who first handed them your phones and tablets. They were born into them. They cannot think of a time without smart devices like us, and it is wrong of you to expect otherwise. There are plenty of risks online for young minds, and unique threats surface every other day.

What you could do is educate your child about responsible internet use and it should always be their priority. Social media is not the only threat now. Online gaming has got a darker side too. There are cyberbullies and online predators out there. Hackers are ready to pounce on your information. Teaching your children about the various risks and importance of security goes a long way in protecting their identity, and keep them out of harm’s way.

Here are the most common techniques hackers use to steal your data and access your data and passwords:

Brute Force Attacks

Probably the oldest and the most powerful in the book, these attacks are effective and the first option for a hacker. In this form of hacking, the hacker first attempts to guess your password with the help of specialized software that tries multiple times in a minute.

With the constant reminders of having strong passwords, one might think that people would pay heed to it. A study found out recently that at least 10% of people use 25 worst passwords and 3% using the worst of them all, i.e. a simple “123456.”

Use long passwords using both alphabets and numbers. Every digit that you add to your password adds to the computing power required for a successful attack.


Phishing is done through the help of emails. The hacker impersonates a legitimate company or service such as your favorite brand or online banking, asking the user to log in and give their password to resolve some urgent problem. Upon doing that, the email is going to take them to a fake website that might look genuine but isn’t. Never give your passwords in an email, and always double-check by talking to the company representative.

Social Engineering

This is another method that gets a lot of results. The hacker requires your password. The best way to do is through a scam, fake email, or calling up and acting as an IT professional. If it is done so confidently and matter-of-factly, people, both young and adults, fall for it and end up giving their passwords.

Dictionary Attacks

In this method, hackers send a file to you that contains a list of words from the dictionary and then enters them as passwords one by one. That’s why it is a bad idea to use passwords in plain text. The dictionary attack guesses the words within seconds. Even if you group simple words, it is not going to help (mystrongpassword).

So, never use simple words or combinations as passwords. Avoid using the same passwords on different apps and accounts. Also, never use the same passwords for accounts that deal with financial data.


Keyloggers are malware your system or laptop can pick up from infected websites or malicious attachments from an email. They don’t mess up with your system or cause harm on their won. But as you can decipher by the name, they can log every keystroke that you make and then transfer it to hackers. This way, they can get hold of your passwords and other sensitive information.

Kids nowadays shop a lot online using their parents’ credit cards. This also risks credit card fraud as the keylogger can save the credit card number and its pin code. So, avoid visiting and suspicious or shady-looking websites. Do not open attachments from unknown senders and always keep your antivirus software updated.

What can parents do?

All of these require a sharp approach to digital monitoring. Our children have been born into a digital society, and with the internet just a click away, children have access to entertainment and information instantly. Apart from hackers, there are predators, bullies, strangers, and even groomers who prowl the cyber world to lure impressionable minds and harm them.

Here are a few tips for you to keep your kids safe from digital threats.

Open Communication

Children are using the internet for everything. And a study found that 45% of the children have access to three or more internet-powered devices. From studies to entertainment to communication, the internet is at the root of everything. And the strangers on the internet are as dangerous as those you find in a dark alley.

The earlier you have the discussion, the better since they begin using the internet at an early age. Teach them safety tips like keeping their profiles private, not sharing information such as contact number, address, or current location openly. Avoid talking to strangers and trusting them online. Encourage them to be open about what they do online and that you are always here to listen to them if something happens.

Use a Parental Control App

Kids are sharp these days. And know more about technology than you. But if the kids are getting smarter, so is technology. You can find plenty of parental control apps to monitor your child’s behavior and activities online.

Xnspy parental control has been specially designed for children so parents can be in the know of their text messages, call logs, whereabouts, internet history, and a lot more. You can monitor their phone remotely and even perform functions like recording their surroundings, locking their phones, taking screenshots of their activity, and even wiping off data in case of emergencies.

Set Strict Rules around Screen time

Common Sense Media’s report found that children younger than 8 years of age, on average, spend 2 hours and 19 minutes on screen. Set rules and stick to them. Doing so from an early age prevents screen addiction.

Also, the less time they spend online, the better. Excessive social media has psychological impacts and affects sleep patterns and health. Set boundaries like no phones during meals, family time, before bed, or during the study. Set a certain time limit to control your child’s screen time.

Keep an eye on Browser History

This is something parents should do when kids become teens. Sure, Xnspy can monitor that and even give you the top 10 most frequently visited websites. But you should continue to check up regularly as they mature.

There is a lot of inappropriate and dark content out there. Apart from knowing their activities on their social media, see that they are not attracted to the Dark web, pornography, violence, or any other inappropriate material.

See who they talk to, the sites they visit, and the communities they have joined to know about their interested. If you find your child becoming silent, secretive, withdrawn, or suspicious, sit them down and have an open discussion. Timely intervention could save you and your child from any unfortunate incidents.

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