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3 Hurdles Slowing Down Your Sales Cycle

Sales Cycle

TechsPlace | It is a known fact that time is money, but sales folks are the only ones to realize how true this statement is. Every second you spend with an uncertain prospect is the time you could spend on generating more business. Lengthy sales cycle can also adversely affect your forecast when you least expect it. Not all sales can be closed quickly. There are reasons why it gets slowed down and strategies that your team could use to speed them up. Here are the three hurdles that might just be slowing down your sales cycle, and how you can clear them.

  1. Target the right audience: The first hurdle that might slow down your sales prospecting is that you don’t target the right audience. You have to understand that leveraging your product or service is not every prospect’s priority, and that is natural. It will be a fault on your part if you cannot identify the right audience and adjust your lead generation as well as outreach strategies accordingly.
  1. Review and revise your sales process regularly: A good sales process is deemed to be the backbone of any organization. A formalized manual for sales process with a common language and a set of expectations helps the sales reps from getting diverted. Also, it provides leadership with the ability to track deal progression. While adhering to the process steps is critical, your sales process should work for your organization and not the other way round.
  1. Your reps may be stressing on the closure: It might sound ironical, but the fact is stressing on the closure does delay closing. When reps focus too much on getting a deal to the final stages, they often miss critical steps and opportunities for influence throughout the sales cycle. Sometimes, it can backfire and cause the deal to stall right at the end of the road, while potential customers are still coming to grips with the process that they are in.

Ideally, your sales cycle should run smoothly like a well-oiled machine. But to keep functioning at top speed, it needs routine maintenance. Try these tips to remove those hurdles and maintain a faster sales cycle. Slow down your sales process to sell faster. Take time and learn more about your customer’s needs. That’s the way you can speed up your sales process, while you obtain the competitive edge.

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