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TechsPlace Contributor

Be a Contributor at TechsPlace

Are you interested in getting your articles published at TechsPlace?

TechsPlace is a blogging website. Here you can share articles related to Technology, Social Media, SEO, Web Design, Business, Marketing, and similar other topics.

We invite the bloggers to submit their guest posts, and in return, they will get a quality backlink to their website/blog.

You are welcome to share your articles on any of the topics mentioned above.

Please read the following guidelines before submitting your articles:

  • The article must be a quality work containing at least 800-1200 words.
  • It will be ideal if you guarantee the content is unique. Use a Plagiarism checker to maintain uniqueness in the content.
  • By submitting the article at TechsPlace, you are permitting us to edit/tweak the content based on SEO guidelines.
  • The editors would investigate the content before it is published on our website.
  • Outgoing links in the article should be relevant and must not be Affiliate Links or links targeted at selling products or services; if such links are found, the article will be considered a promotional/review article.
  • We reserve all the rights to remove any link/s at our sole discretion.
  • All outgoing links will be marked as Nofollow. Naked URLs will not be included in the article.
  • For the Dofollow link, contact our editors at editor[at]techsplace[dot]com or through our contact form for more details. Please mention “Request for dofollow link” in the email subject line.
  • Please carefully verify the content before submitting the article. Articles will not be taken down or altered once they are live on the website!
  • If your article satisfies all the above guidelines, you can submit it to the editor[at]techsplace[dot]com, or you can register here{new registrations are currently restricted} to submit the article for the review process.
  • We don’t accept Casino/Gambling, Drugs, Adult, Essay Writing, Finance, etc. related articles or links related to these categories.
  • You are responsible for any licensing, copyright, and permissions for your image used with the content.
  • Please allow us 5-7 working days to post your article on our website. Following up, again and again, would increase the publishing time.

These guidelines are subject to change at any time. Contributors are responsible for making themselves aware of changes and adhering to them.

Please note: Submitting an article does not guarantee that the article will be published on TechsPlace.


Guest Posting Advanced Search Queries

keyword intitle:”write for us”
Keyword intitle:”contribute to”
Keyword intitle:”submit” + inurl:blog
Keyword “submit a guest post”
Keyword inurl:/guest-post/
Keyword “guest post”
Keyword “guest post by”
Keyword “accepting guest posts”
Keyword “guest post guidelines”
Keyword “guest author”
Keyword “guest article”
Keyword “guest column”
Keyword “become a contributor”
inpostauthor:guest keyword
inpostauthor:”guest blog” keyword
inpostauthor:”guest post” keyword