5 Web Design Hacks That Will Get You More Leads

Web Design Hacks

TechsPlace | “How to get more leads?” This is one of the raving questions among all the entrepreneurs who have ventured into the online world.  What can the organizers do to attract more traffic and entice them into a great brand experience so that they come back time and again!

In the vast online world, where every individual and business is screaming for attention, lead generation has become most coveted and apparently the toughest thing to achieve. But it is not such a challenge when you know that a strategic web design can actually help you accomplish it.

Your website is the face of your company in the online world and it is through that you can impress the consumers. The right balance between the design and content is the secret to constantly turn the web traffic to leads. Here are some of the tips to achieve that.

  • Use Google Analytics – This is the first thing that you should use to learn the kind of changes that you site needs. Learn the demographics of your site, the sources of traffic, the content that instigates conversions and the pages that have the largest demand. This will give you a fair idea about what the strong points of your website are and where they are losing the traffic.
  • White Space Power – If you go across the different websites you will find that most of them are making huge noise. Noise does not always mean sound. At times, it also means what we see. Some websites are overloaded with videos, texts and images and are shouting with information. They really are working hard. But what they are creating is noise. This does convert traffic to leads. On the contrary, white space is capable of doing this. The usability of the site is enhanced by white space. This will generate more sites.  Think of the Google page at this time. Empower your site with the white space and offer breathing space to your audience.
  • Conversion Audit – How to know whether your site is designed and capable of converting traffic to leads or not! Nowadays, anyone can purchase a template and put up a beautiful site. In fact, one can personalise just according to one’s own choice and that, too, without the need of the professionals. But will that generate leads? Here in comes the need of a conversion audit that brings forth all the problematic areas of your site. As a result, the specific actions can also be determined from this which will help you to come up with a lead-generating site. Achieving higher conversions will be easier then.
  • Speed – In this fast paced world, people have no time to wait. That is why you should ensure that all the web pages of your site take minimum time to load. Otherwise, the visitors of your site will not wait and switch to another one as your page loads. A waiting time of 3 seconds is a luxury that no one can afford in today’s times. Remember that no matter which product or service you offer, you have tons of competitors and consumers are not willing to wait much when they have so many options.
  • Don’t Go for Standard Templates –Standard templates are great at the time of starting a business as they are inexpensive and call for zero coding ability. They are ideal for the short term. But standard templates can create hindrances when you are wanting to generate leads.  You website will look distorted and it is something that the consumers will not take lightly. Moreover, site that is coded specifically also helps to achieve higher ranks in search engines.

The above are some of the web design hacks as suggested by the professional web development company which will help you to generate more leads and stand ahead of your competitors in the online world.