List of Best ASP .NET Development Frameworks

.NET Development

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TechsPlace | ASP .NET is a popular Microsoft framework, which helps to build web applications and services with .NET and C#. It supports cross-platform development and is based on open-source attributes. This framework ensures to build highly secure applications and has a built-in user database also. Check out the list of best ASP .NET Development frameworks.

It helps to develop the applications which can meet both the latest trends and market requirements. Apart from this, several back ends and front end functionalities have been extended. However, to turn the development process easier, robust, and scalable several front and back end frameworks have come into existence, which ensures high performance.

In this article, let’s know about .NET Development Services, and popular Front and Back end frameworks, which helps fasten the development process.

Top Back and Front End Development Frameworks


Sass stands for Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets. It offers extensive features and functionalities to the developers. Due to its different attributes, .Net developers prefer to opt for this framework.

Major Features of Sass Framework

  • Nesting
  • Looping
  • Liberty to use variables
  • Compatible with all versions of the Saas.
  • Turns the complex coding process easier and faster.

Saas helps in many other ways to the developers as it turns the code clean, simple, and easy to maintain. This .NET tool is also known as a powerful and robust framework. Apart from this, Sass allows you to streamline the process in an organized manner and allows you to create style sheets faster.


Bower framework helps to boost the development process, which is preferred by the developers as it is easy to use. Developers don’t have to opt for the complex processes, to opt for the latest version. They just have to copy the command line and proceed further. This framework is also known as a front end package manner for the web.


Jasmine.NET provides similar Behaviour-Driven test coding experience as the known Jasmine JavaScript test framework. Now, this tool is considered as the foremost choice of the developers for the front-end ASP .Net development framework. It is mainly used for the modern open source and closed source projects to solve many recurrent issues. It is usually used to test several Javascript codes.


Karma is another popular .NET framework, which is known as an agnostic test runner. Earlier, this framework was known as a Testacular. The main motive of Karma is to bring a productive testing environment. Karma focuses on bringing the environment, where developers don’t have to face the hassle process, and they prefer to exclude the setup loads of configurations. After testing the process, it offers instant feedback.

Major Features of Karma, which attracts .NET developers to them –

  • Test on Real Devices
  • Remote Control
  • Testing Framework Agnostic
  • Easy Debugging
  • Continuous Integration

With this framework, now testing has turned easier than ever before.


It’s among one of the most preferred CSS and open source frameworks. This platform offers responsive and mobile-first front-end web development. According to Wikipedia, it contains CSS- and JavaScript-based design templates for typography, forms, buttons, navigation, and other interface components. Bootstrap is the seventh-most-starred project on GitHub, with more than 142,000 stars. Apart from this, it offers an opportunity to improve the development process by offering a lot of typography styles, several styles for common elements, input, and it also delivers rapid prototyping.


Angualr.JS is known as a Super-heroic JavaScript MVW Framework. It is created by Google and simplifies the complex development process. This framework helps to develop single-page applications and offers declarative templates with data-binding, MVW, MVVM, MVC. It is written in JavaScript and a structural framework for dynamic web apps. Also, extend HTML’s syntax. It involves data binding and dependency injection. This framework supports extensive documentation and also supports active community support.


This framework is similar to Bower, and it offers a wide range of functionalities to the developers. Apart from this, Grunt also provides several functionalities such as

  • Minification
  • Compiling of Sass
  • Node server
  • Documentation creation
  • Compressing images


These are the best front and back end development tools, which helps to build robust apps effectively. Several features help developers to boost the ASP .NET Development process in an advanced way. By being proficient with these frameworks, developers can prefer to opt to deliver the next generation web applications.